Information about the article




Article type: 
Original article 

Index UDK: 342.41 

Year, Volume, Number:
2024, Vol. 12, № 3 (47)

Pages: 85-92

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Daria V. Ruzaeva
Postgraduate student, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia, 


DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-3-9 


For citation:
Ruzaeva D.V. Modern conditions for implementing the constitutional duties of the state. Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal "Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo" = Electronic scientific journal "Science. Society. State". 2024;12(3):85–92. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-3-9



Received: 22.05.2024

Accepted: 30.07.2024

Open access


Background. The world economy is currently going through the process of establishing a new type of industrial production, characterized by a greater degree of automation and digitalization, affecting the public life, as well as the mechanism of government activity. In this context, the state represented by the legislative bodies should give a timely legal response in order to maintain the pace of equitable development and to prevent legal gaps regarding specific social relations. At that, the state should consider how ongoing global processes can affect the interests of the citizens, since the key task of the state is to protect human and civil rights and freedoms. In this connection, the study of implementing and fulfilling the constitutional duties of the state, as the most fundamental ones, becomes highly relevant. Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, scientific materials devoted to the “industrial revolution of the 21st century” are studied; political and economic trends and currently ongoing administrative reform of the 2020s are analyzed through using the interdisciplinary methods. The methodological basis of the study also includes such methods as materialistic, historical legal, systemic legal, comparative legal, etc. Results. As part of the study, the reasons for examining the modern process of implementing the constitutional duties of the state are substantiated, and areas to which special attention should be paid are highlighted. A definition of “model for fulfilling the constitutional responsibilities of the state” is formulated and two of its varieties are identified and considered. Conclusions. The article shows the need for a more in-depth study into the current activity of the state with regard to the rapid pace of global development. To ensure public order and security, to protect the interests of its citizens, law-making is required to provide a timely legal response to regulate new social relations. Despite the fact that the trend for joint activity of public-private entities in implementing state powers and duties is a global practice, in the Russian Federation this instrument is historically new, so it should be closely monitored.


digitalization, state, duties of the state, constitutional duties of the state, executive power, model for fulfilling the constitutional duties of the state


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Дата создания: 18.07.2024 18:40
Дата обновления: 03.09.2024 20:16